I am constantly asked by people why there are not many pictures of me alone. Well there are two great reasons. First, I have not found a picture of myself that I like enough to keep or post. Secondly, but more importantly, I believe ministry is not something that you do by yourself. You surround yourself with awesome people who have the same love of God that you do and you let the Holy Spirit take it from there. But if you want to see who I am, look at the man standing up with the gray shirt!
Over the past 42 years doing youth ministry, God has put some awesome people in my life when I needed them. Some of those people are pictured here. When God needs for them to be someplace else they continue their journey down different paths.
That is what I love about this ministry. Starting out with the Archdiocese of Detroit on a program called “Pass It On”, working with many parishes and dioceses across this wonderful country, and having the privilege to share these gifts in three countries, God had blessed me with wonderful “Workers in the Vineyard”.
That is one of the reasons this ministry is called “Basin and Towel Ministries”. We are all called to serve one another, and all the glory of our work goes back to God.
We are here to serve you and hopefully you will be called to be a “Worker in the Vineyard”. Let us know what we can do for you.
Bob Dugas
Basin and Towel Ministries